What activates Internet users to interact with sources of information and general knowledge through social media sites


  • L. Dr. Ridha Ali Hussein


social media, Information sources, Knowledge sources, Content analysis


   This study explores the relationship between information sources and public knowledge and their communities through social networking sites. The traditional understanding of the relationships between information sources and the community has been based on metrics such as membership registration or subscription, participation and site usage statistics; However, social media applications for example provide sources of information with a new place to communicate directly with beneficiaries and communities. This study used the content analysis approach to categorize mentions and likes for sources of information and general knowledge and to determine which content is likely to be re-shared or liked by communication users. Inductive coding was used to develop admiration categories. Descriptive statistics were collected about re-shares and likes.

      Five content categories were analyzed for the likes of the information sources. Social media users interacted with and shared information sources by liking (79.4%) and re-sharing (62.73%). They tended to like and re-share about sources of information and general knowledge, information resource site programs, services, and resources. The likes and shares directly stimulate the interaction of the beneficiary accounted for 24.8% of the total likes. However, they had the fewest number of likes (3.01%) and shares (3.9%).


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