The Role of Professional Human Resource Skills in the Success of knowledge Sharing


  • Shadya.sadulla
  • amal Fadel Abas


The current research aims to clarify the role that professional skills for human resources play in achieving knowledge sharing in institutions. The importance of the research is highlighted by noting the growing interest in the concepts of human resources in the success of knowledge sharing in developed countries and trying to apply these concepts in the Iraqi environment. To achieve the research objectives, Aquestionnaire was prepared in accordance with the aim of the research, as it was distributed in the researched libraries. All directors who hold administrative and technical positions in the researched university libraries were selected as the study population, in addition to selecting all library workers, who numbered (120) directors and workers, as a sample for the research.

The data obtained from the researched field were analyzed using the correlation coefficient and linear regression models as well, which helped to reach a set of conclusions, the most important of which is “the presence of a significant correlation between human resources and knowledge sharing in the selected Iraqi libraries.” These results are interpreted to mean that the more the management of the researched libraries pays attention to The developing the skills of employees whenever in leads to the success and enhancement of their knowledge sharing, there is a significant effect of professional skills on knowledge sharing in the libraries studied. The explanatory power was explained by the variance occurring in knowledge sharing Resulting from employees practicing professional skills, and at the level of sub-dimensions, all dimensions had an impact on knowledge sharing, and the (hard skills) dimension had the highest impact. Accordingly, the conclusion is adopted that the library administration can achieve its goals in promoting knowledge sharing and make it successful by relying on the employees’ practice of professional skills, which are represented by hard skills.

In light of the conclusions, he presented a number of recommendations, the most important of which is “directing library management towards exploiting the positive nature of the relationship between the professional skills of human resources and knowledge sharing at the level of the main variables and sub-dimensions, which contributes to improving skills and increasing comprehensive and explicit knowledge associated with completing tasks in libraries..”

