Sedition in "Spider verse" objective study


  • مجلة الآداب ahmed7711272431@gmail



Mr. researcher for consideration introduction brief between where that this research is an attempt to demonstrate the discord in the Spider and how salvation of them where the researcher definition of sedition in terms of language and terminology and then the meaning of sedition in the Holy Quran and how he acquired new meanings in addition to meaning the original which is: test calamities enhanced with examples from the Koran and the Hadith and the impact of the pure imams. Then moves to Spider definition Surat (name, number of verses and words and letters, its virtues, the reasons for the descent of verses Spider, then discusses Is Spider Makiya or civilian, as well as general-purpose little Spider and purposes) And then seek a researcher in his talk about proportionality and consistency between the Spider and before and after. Proportionality and consistency between the beginning of the Sura and conclusion. At the end of the research speaks researcher for the content of sedition in Spider stories where he reached the sedition in the sense test and trials is a divine year the principle of divine justice can not imagine human existence, its Altkleva system without it. 







