Parallel text / threshold Narrative structure (Novel odor such a model)


  • Dr.Zeinab Abdel-karim



When the amount of man can settle the land and seek in tracts, taking around him recognize Assets perception of direct and immediate experience. Became see and feel and learn and discover without prior example, and became his adventures and stories which claimed happy to cut or Brwightha or Bgaha, any Bsrdha. Perhaps this is behind the link did storytelling / narrative / story telling patterns of expression and perhaps this was the first total of the narrative, which means taking the pull on each breath contains and what Qssaa of expression patterns, whether poetry or prose.The process produced a survey and follow-up to the color of the expression, signaling components, and that was the time and the characters and events and place. Because of the nature of things - as everything in life - evolution and growth, has expanded to include the indication of the narrative all that could portend those components, or transmit to or Atahq with it at the level of the structure or semantics. Thus pushing the rifles (such as Roland Barthes) to see the narrative present in all types of human communication - as the following pages will show -. 







