Administrative and financial corruption from the perspective of the science of law and anthropology


  • Dr. Jodat Hassan Khalaf



That the seriousness of the problem of financial and administrative corruption and its implications and its effects on state institutions and the man and his behavior in society, is the main motive is important, which makes researchers, writers and media searching and write constantly about how to diagnose and treat this problem and reduce its spread. I Osubht this problem is now widespread in all countries of the world, but to varying degrees from country to country, and that the biggest challenge to the laws and justice and human moral values ​​in addition to the principles of heavenly religions and breadth of practice in all institutions, all this make the problem acquires the status hypotheses, namely: -- The higher the incidence of corruption and its size, the less the process of human development and shows that this hypothesis (the problem) parties are (Corruption and Development) has made the problem of corruption, financial and administrative problems, persistent and widespread in the areas of life dimensions of social, economic, political, moral, psychological, and that this problem spread of atomic and defying the authority of the law is clear and the judiciary. Considered a crime involving moral turpitude humanitarian. 







