The reality of social relationship between teacher and student (Comparative Field Study in Educational Sociology)


  • Dr.Rabah Ahmed Mahdi



The study of the relationship of social relations between teacher and student is the study of knowledge-based social scientific understanding of the reality of the relationship of this and forces the objective and subjective affecting them and the factors leading to strength or weakness order to have created the right conditions for the consolidation of human connection between teacher and student, is the study of field studies in the field of Sociology of Education, which is a branch of the general meeting that afternoon and interest in scientific and taxonomic Bmodoath in the twenties, especially by developed countries such as America, Russia, Britain, France and Italy ... Etc.. And that the importance of his studies of science in the development of educational institutions in the community that serves as the foundation stone for the rest of the other institutions, the development and progress means the development of society and provide the rest of the other institutions that make up because this institution is that supply society institutions, scientists, researchers and graduate specialists in various branches of science and knowledge 






