Insurgency in the poetry of Alahtaih Causes and consequences Study of psychological and social perspective


  • Dr. Hadi Sdkh Asgair Al-Azzawia
  • Dr.Amira Mohamed Mahmoud Al-Bayati



Still the human soul is the right of the things vague in many respects not proved, on the one case or a clear path, man is subject to the social and economic factors, political, and psychology make the psyche is not stable, they are things that can not be subjected to testing laboratory which clearly disclose this or that illness ((He knew self still love compared to improvements in the rest of science, and that most of the questions stands signs Astvhamha about this science, is still floating looking for a convincing answer. the study of human strenuous, arduous and thorny require the efforts and opinions are many and complex)). (1 )May find psychiatrist difficulty in reaching the reservoirs psychology of people who are under his care, let alone people who separates between us and them hundreds of years, Studying Mental any poet of the era before Islam be extremely difficult to post the apartment, and the difficulty of detection Mknunat the same do not know only a little bit of news we read poems about a party 







