Thought control strategies And their relation to the mindfulness


  • Professor. Maieen Abed Baqer



Thought control strategies



The current study aims at finding out

1- Thought – control strategies (Distraction/Social control/Worry/Punishment/Re-appraisal) by university students 

2- Significance  difference in the use of thought – control Strategies according to gender (males – females).

3- University students mindfulness.

4- The correlational relation between  thought – control strategies and mindfulness.

5- finally , the study aims of testing the following hypothesis :The possibility of prediction of existanee of each thought control strategies in the presumed of mindfulness the current study determined to the students in Al- Mustansieriya university.  

To achieve these aims the researcher translated Wales and Daves 1994 thought Control strategy Scale and it Was submitted to a group of professionals and experts Who Confirmed the scale's validity . Then it Was applied on a sample of (400) students (males and females) to obtain

The Scale's psychometric Characteristics. Items discriminations  face validity , translation validity , factorial validity Construct validity and reliability are computed. Reliability  by Cronbach's Alpha method Was ( distraction 0.38 / social control 0.43/ anxiety o.71/ punishment 0.55/ re- appraisal 0.46). so  the scale is ready to be applied, with (30) items and a hypothetical mean of (75) the reaches also adopted mindfulness Scale langer's 1992, with (20) items and a hypothetical mean of (40)   witch Was submitted to a group of and experts for validity confirmation . Then the scale Was applied on the some sample to obtain its psychometric Characteristics. Items discrimination   Difference significance , face validity , translation validity , construct validity and (reliability) are computed . By the use of split-half method reliability was (0.38) before correcting , (0.55) after correcting  with Spearman Brown equation and (0.56) by the using of Cronboach's- Alpha method . thus , the scale was ready to be applied .





