The Self Monitoring and Relationship with Personality Type (D)


  • M. Dr. Mouayed Abdulsadeh Radhi
  • M. Dr. Baraa Mohammad Hassan



Self Monitoring, Personality Type, Personality Type (D)


      The current research was aimed at the following:

  1. Measurement of self monitoring for university students.
  2. Measurement of personality type (D) for university students.
  3. Identify the differences in self monitoring for university students according to variable of sex (male/ female). And according to variable of specialization (scientific/ literary).
  4. Identify the differences in of personality type (D) for university students according to variable of sex (male/ female). And according to variable of specialization (scientific/ literary).
  5. Identify the relationship between self monitoring and personality type (D).

        To achieve this aims of the research, the researchers set up the instrument is scale of self monitoring that consistent (25) item, And scale of personality type (D) consistent (20) item. The researchers applying these scales in the sample amounted to (200) students of Baghdad university, then after data processing statistically, the researchers reached the following results:

  1. There is high level of self monitoring for university students.
  2. There is high level of personality type (D) for university students.
  3. There is no differences in self monitoring for university students according to variable of sex (male/ female), And there is differences of specialization (scientific/ literary) for outcome of literary specialization students.
  4. There is no differences in personality type (D) for university students according to variable of sex (male/ female), And there is differences of specialization (scientific/ literary) for outcome of literary specialization students.
  5. There is relationship between self monitoring and personality type (D).

                  In sight of the results of this research, the researchers came out with a number of recommendations and suggestions.





