Communicative analysis of the surah of repentance by Muhammad ARQUN


  • Dr. Hakim Salman AL- sltani



Communicative, analysis, Muhammad ARQUN


The Holy Quran occupies a central position in Islamic thought. It is the problem of their awareness and culture, and the founder of their civilization. The centrality of this centrality stems from their concern for the "language of the Holy Quran" which represented in its lowest hopes a message of communication addressed to humanity. The Holy Quran represents the whole communication process of sender and sender, message and communication channel and more. So he called the minds to think and look at it, so many books that reveal secrets.

Arab scientists in the Middle Ages presented valuable ideas on this subject, no less than what is found in modern studies. They had insight into the description of the communicative process, its elements, its conditions and its functions, and this was reflected in the duplication of their works.

In this research, we are faced with a distinct application of the Qur'anic texts on the Holy Quran, through which Muhammad Arkoun sought to produce the concepts that are the product of contemporary linguistic research and how they can descend upon the Qur'anic discourse. Including the connecting space or representative models to reveal the structure of interpersonal relations and pronouns, and the framework of the common connection which includes all methods and directs them according to hierarchical hierarchy. It explains the roles and functions and the struggle of pronouns and pronouns to detect the formation of the narrative path. Meaning in the Qur'anic discourse.

Through his application of the Sunnahs in his Qur'anic representation of the Sura of repentance, Muhammad Arkoun tried to re-evaluate the concept of revelation by taking his historical dimension into account, not as a transcendent, eternal, eternal transcendent who stands high above human history, although he sent his guidance and leadership to this Earth.

The linguistic analysis in the eyes of Mohammed Arkoun imposed on the student exercise exercise of asceticism and mental and intellectual purity is a must. It is a very valuable virtue, especially as it is here to read specific texts that have been born and formed for generations generations sensitivity and imagination collective and individual. We will then learn how to construct a systematic distance to the texts or between us and the "sacred" texts without releasing any of the (historical) or theological judgments.

This analysis of the discourse or its disintegration is not, according to Arkoun, to present its true meaning and invalidate the inherited interpretations, but rather to highlight the linguistic linguistic, presentation, independence, persuasion, reporting and moral purposes of what he called the "prophetic discourse."





