(Dancing on the Tune of Silence)The Argumentation of Poems of Soul and the horizon of Interpretation by the Migrant Poet Nosseib Aridha His Poem "Oh Soulf" as a Model


  • muhamed saleh
  • Nuha Laeibi Sahem


Argumentation of self - interpretation - emigration


Beyond the soul, there is a spiritual essence, it continued to transcend. However, it interrupted its path of ascension to sojourn without its rising, which is its first world, to start a journey from sublime to sublime, to proceed from it to it, through hardships and disclosures, a relentless pursuit of purity and serenity, and sincerity attempts to trim the adornments and veils attached to it that prevent access to the essence of the self and the supremacy of the position of affection and intimicies in the fertile gardens.

        For in the acquaintance there is a survival, a way and a path, which is not walked with bare feet, but rather souls aspire to balconies that have not been touched by whispers and whiffs that still continue to strive and exert efforts in compassion and springing to an warbling truth and absolute soul, by activating visions and methods to deepen thought, behavior and experience through a unique, profound language of meanings and connotations, by employing the poem as a beacon for intellectual approaches embodied through appeal, question and interpretation with a conscious awareness of the task of words and meanings that reveal the travails of the self and the adversities of its emotions.





Articles for the Humanities