Intonation Analysis of Some Selected Scenes of The Tragic Movie : The Great Gatsby


  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafida Mansour
  • Abdullah Uday Hussein


: Intonation – Science – Tone – Pitch – Falling intonation – Rising intonation


Language has really changed in many aspects through the past hundred years or so. There are many factors due to which this transformation is seen in the present-day life in comparison with the more distant life; the modernization of the lives of the individuals as well as the communities around the globe, the invention of advanced technology in all fields of science, the awakening scientific discoveries and the rapidity of life has brought upon some coarse changes in languages, especially in English language. 

The current study has no pioneer, and it is the first study in the field of phonology and the purpose of this research is to know whether the language has really changed in terms of intonation throughout a few decades or not. For this purpose, some scenes from the old and modern movies have been taken into consideration. Using the software WASP, the comparative changes in the intonation have been measured with deep concentration; and this particular study has been compared with the researches done by other scholars in the particular field of study. The analysis of the data has paved way for tremendous results and outcomes in the attitudinal function of intonation in the modern-day English that has been illustrated in both tabular and graphic form. This study definitively answered the question regarding changes in the intonation in English language through the past century. Further studies are needed to focus on the accuracy and fluency of the native speakers and the impact of digital media on languages. The study  is mixed qualitative and quantitative analyzed the software WASP of the selected data.

The two movies  have been  chosen  because a full decade between  them " The Great Gatsby (1920) and Fall from Grace (2020)". Both of them  are tragedies and  have the same theme. The study contributed into four chapters, chapter one deals with the background and methodology of the research, the research aim , the value and procedures of the study, as well as definitions of the terms.  Chapter two deals with theories and review of literature, transcription, prosodic theory and meanings of kinds of the tone, it also deals with the biological theory and sound production mechanism as well as manner of articulation and model of the study, while chapter three deals with the data analysis that includes the analysis of character tone. Chapter four includes the analysis of the results of the study. The current study ends with conclusion and a list of references


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